Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Day 30 - The Undiscovered Wal-Mart

Last night was an early night for everyone last night - as ordered by Auntie Deb.  By early I mean really early, which didn't worry me at all as I was asleep on the couch at 8:30.  However, despite the fact that it was an early night for everyone, we still managed to have a late start this morning with a specific few individuals not waking until 8am.

We waited around for a short while this morning to write out our shopping list for today.  However before we had left, Auntie Deb arrived back home with a boot full of gifts for her staff.  Once the car was unpacked and the presents sorted, we left for our shopping adventure.

Most of the shops in Bulawayo are small and very specific in what they sell, and the supermarkets are no different.  This time around we went to a shop called 'OK-Mart' on the outskirts of town.  I had never heard of this shop before, nor had I ever been there.  OK-Mart is what I imagine Wal-Mart to be like.  The building was bigger than Capalaba Bunnings and they stocked EVERYTHING.  Electronics, stationary, clothes, food, gym equipment, and the list goes on.  It is truly unlike anything else in Bulawayo.  Better still, there is staff inside to push your trolley around and direct you to the aisles of products that you are looking for.  It was the fastest shop that I've done to date...

Following out shopping experience, we headed out to Willow Park for the afternoon/evening.  As today had been a perfect day, we decided to try our luck with a sunset photo from the top of Rocky-Top Mt.  We left at 4, had a short time with the younger kids and then raced up the mountain to catch the sun before it set.  Coming back down we ate dinner with the kids (sudza and kapenta) and spent some time hanging around upstairs.

As we were leaving we noticed just how dark it actually becomes out at Willow Park.  There are no outside lights on the site, just those inside the buildings.  It is because of this that it becomes really dark outside - the sort of dark where you can't see your hand in front of your face.  Yet, people walk in these conditions and they do it regularly without a torch.

Friday is the day of the SJC christmas party and it's shaping up to be a really great day.  It is only because of the donations made that this sort of event is able to be put on.  In a time where money is tight, and a country where you can't always get what you want, putting on a christmas party is the last thing on SJC's radar.  However because of the donations, SJC are able to treat the kids to foods that they'd be lucky to have a couple of times a year, to a party that some kids have never experienced before and, for some kids, receive the first christmas present in their life.  Thank you!


1 comment:

  1. Look forward to your blog everyday and today I after reading about the sunset was expecting a photo. What happened??? No photo...
    Enjoying reading your blog - keep them coming.
