Today can be summed up with one word, 'PARTY!'
Our day started with an early breakfast consisting of our good friend Toffee Syrup. From there we had to do a few errands to get ready for the Christmas party at SJC (Sandra Jones Centre) at 2:00pm.
First stop was Haefelis to pick up 120 donuts kindly donated by the owners, the Wawn family. After a 20min delay due to a pronunciation error by the staff (we said we had an order for Sandra Jones, they thought it was for Sandra Johns) we were carrying 5 trays of donuts out the store. I'm sure we got quite a few looks. Second stop, the fruit market. We needed some sort of fruit to counteract the large dosage of sugar the SJC kids will receive from eating the donuts so we were asked to by 5 watermelons. Each watermelon weighed approximately 12kg or more, so we had the equivalent of an adult in the car in the form of watermelon. Third stop, the local supermarket to buy sausages for hot dogs and bread rolls. By now, our car, Curtain Wondervan, was jammed packed with groceries. We headed home, geared up the van with more stock and then we headed out to Willow park for the 2pm party. Due to so much groceries being in the car and with the combination of the rocky drive way to SJC, I was sitting on the floor the entire trip making sure no donuts would fall over. I had to do some convincing to Andy and Alex that all donuts would remain intact and none would be eaten when we reached Willow Park.
2:00pm rolled over and Ando, Aldo and I were setting up for the Christmas party. Alex and I prepped the hotdogs and Andy was setting up the projector and screen for his photo presentation. Des and Pete Addison, along with their son-in-law, Neil and his family, arrived next and helped out with the prepping. Debbie and her kids, Stef, Madi, Becky and Christy, along with Lisa, were next to arrive with the all important Christmas presents.
We spread the word to all the girls and all the little ones that it was now party time and soon we were inundated with kids all nicely dressed, and staff from all directions. We sat them down and after the usual meet and greet we tucked into our hotdogs, while watching Andy's photo slideshow. It was a great atmosphere with everyone viewing and reminiscing while looking at the photos and laughing at the weird poses they pulled. The next treat the kids received was a can of soft drink. For some of the little ones this was their first taste of this sweet nectar from the heavens, but for most this was definitely a rare and special occasion. The kids were truly getting into the party now, since we fueled with soft drink. Keen to get these energetic kids active, Debbie organised a game which involved everyone sitting on a seat in a circle plus one extra seat. The goal of the person in the middle is to sit on that spare seat while everyone else is shifting along trying to deny that opportunity. It was sometimes chaotic, with kids squeezing up on seats, therefore many spare seats appeared for the person in the middle to sit on, but all in all it was great fun for everyone.
Ando and Big Al then split the kids into 2 different age groups and they then organised another game involving the kids holding hands and using their strength to try and pull each other into a chair without touching it themselves. I'm sure the older girls enjoyed the game being able to test their strengths against each other. After the game, you could see everyone rubbing their sore wrists.
The gigantic watermelons were next to be served. These watermelons are so massive that 2 1/2 melons was all that was needed to feed approximately 70 people. Again, watermelon is a rare/ first time for these kids. What's also a first time for these kids is a watermelon fight. Debbie spat the first seed and then it began; seeds were being spat anywhere and everywhere, Andrew filled his mouth with dozens of seeds and called it his '12 gauge shotgun' which was soon to be expelled at some girl's face. Soon, watermelon itself was the new ammunition and it was hurled at unsuspecting people. The grounds were littered with watermelon and Andy and I were saturated in it. Aldo somehow got out of being attacked. I can assure you the kids had a brilliant time and now have first hand knowledge and experience in how to eat watermelon and how to use it as a weapon.
We all headed inside for the highlight of the day, the presents. Debbie talked to the kids and firstly reminded them the meaning of Christmas, that God gave his Son as the ultimate gift for us and that Christmas is about giving. A big shout out to Debbie and the staff from SJC who had tirelessly organised gifts for each child throughout the year and today was the big day when each child received their present. Debbie, one at a time, called out the name on the present and Alex handed the child their gift and then their photo would be taken by Pete and Neil. When each name was called all the kids would clap in jubilation as they know how exciting it is for them to receive a present. A very simple yet touching gesture. That's how close these kids are with one another.
The last treat of the day for the kids was plated and served; donuts with chips and lollies. The kids were delighted and enjoyed everything on their plate, you could just tell. Since we had 120 donuts, the children were only to keen to have seconds.
The end of the Christmas party arrived and the kids excitedly marched up the hill to their home carrying with them their presents and plateful of spare donuts and lollies. a lot of the girls stayed behind and helped Andrew, Alex and I clean the grounds of watermelon. Thanks to the girls, a 2 hour job was done in half the time.
So, I did mention that today could be summed up with one word, 'Party', and it didn't end there. It is Pete and Des Addison's 40th Anniversary as well as their birthdays so a surprised party was organised for them by their kids, when they returned home. It was a great night, which brought a tear to Des' eye when they were presented with an album with messages from loved ones.
I just want to personally thank Debbie and the staff at SJC for organising today. To see the amazed reactions from the kids and staff when they received their gifts and to hear from Rhoda (one of the staff who looks after the girls) that this has made her Christmas, you can really see that Debbie and the staff at SJC's tireless work has been received with much gratitude and appreciation. Another big big thank you to the people who have donated their time and finances. Without your donations this party could not have taken place. It is my first time seeing this Christmas party, and seeing all the kids and staff having a fun and great time and with the grounds filled with laughter, well, it can only be described with the word 'wow'.
So thank you again for taking the time to read this blog and commenting.
Debbie explaining a game |
Photo with the girls |
Des and Pete making a speech at their party |
Curtain Wondervan serving us well |
Alex flexing his guns while holding hotdogs. A typical Alex move. |
Innocent and Kiki eating the gigantic watermelon |
Donuts, chips and lollies ready to be eaten |
Sharon with donuts, Tanya with her present |
Watermelon fight |